Carter County Drug Prevention Diversity and Inclusion Statement:

At Carter County Drug Prevention a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace is one where all employees and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feels valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our departments, programs, and worksites. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are valued and heard. 

We’re committed to modeling diversity and inclusion for the entire arts industry of the nonprofit sector, and to maintaining an inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all.

To provide informed, authentic leadership for cultural equity, Carter County Drug Prevention strives to: 

  • See diversity, inclusion, and equity as connected to our mission and critical to ensure the well-being of our staff and the arts communities we serve. 
  • Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services, and continually update and report organization progress. 
  • Explore potential underlying, unquestioned assumptions that interfere with inclusiveness. 
  • Advocate for and support board-level thinking about how systemic inequities impact our organization’s work, and how best to address that in a way that is consistent with our mission.
  • Help to challenge assumptions about what it takes to be a strong leader at our organization, and who is well-positioned to provide leadership.
  • Practice and encourage transparent communication in all interactions.
  • Commit time and resources to expand more diverse leadership within our board, staff, committee, and advisory bodies.
  • Lead with respect and tolerance. We expect all employees to embrace this notion and to express it in workplace interactions and through everyday practices.

Carter County Drug Prevention abides by the following action items to help promote diversity and inclusion in our workplace: 

  • Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization by creating substantive learning opportunities and formal, transparent policies.
  • Generate and aggregate quantitative and qualitative research related to equity
    to make incremental, measurable progress toward the visibility of our diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts. Once the content is curated it will be added to our website so others can access.
  • Improve our cultural leadership pipeline by creating and supporting programs and policies that foster leadership that reflects the diversity of American society. 
  • Pool resources and expand offerings for underrepresented constituents by connecting with other arts organizations committed to diversity and inclusion efforts.
  • Develop and present sessions on diversity, inclusion, and equity to provide information and resources internally, and to members, the community, and the arts industry. 
  • Develop a system for being more intentional and conscious of bias during the hiring, promoting, or evaluating process. Train our hiring team on equitable practices.
  • Include a salary range with all public job descriptions. 
  • Advocate for public and private-sector policy that promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity. Challenge systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity.
What is Title VI?

Title VI started with the Civil Rights Act of 1964: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Civil Rights Protection has expanded since then and includes these classes as protected from discrimination under Federal Law: 

  • Race – Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Color – Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Religion – Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • National origin – Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Age (40 and over) – Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
  • Sex – Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Pregnancy – Pregnancy Discrimination Act
  • Citizenship – Immigration Reform and Control Act
  • Familial status – Civil Rights Act of 1968 Title VIII(8): Housing cannot discriminate for having children, with an exception for senior housing
  • Disability status – Vocational Rehabilitation and Other Rehabilitation Services of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
  • Veteran status – Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
  • Genetic information – Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Title VI Prohibited Practices
  • Denial of any service recipient, any services opportunities, or other benefits for which that individual is otherwise qualified.
  • Provide any service recipient with any service or other benefit, which is different or is provided in a different manner from that which is provided to others in a program. 
  • Subject any service recipient to segregated or separate treatment in any manner related to his receipt of service. 
  • Denial of any service recipient, any services opportunities, or other benefits for which that individual is otherwise qualified.
  • Provide any service recipient with any service, or other benefit, which is different or is provided in a different manner from that which is provided to others in a program.
  • Subject any service recipient to segregated or separate treatment in any manner related to his receipt of service. 
  • Restrict a service recipient in any way in the employment of services, facilities, or any other advantage, privilege or other benefit provided to others under the program.
  • Adopt methods of administration which would limit participation by any group of recipients or subject them to discrimination. 
  • Address a service recipient in a manner that denotes inferiority because of race, color, or national origin. 
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

LEP is defined as the inability to speak, read, write, or understand the English Language at a level that permits a service recipient to interact effectively with staff in accessing public services and benefits. 

Executive Order 13166, requires all agencies that receive federal funding to provide services that are accessible to persons with limited English proficiency. Not providing services that are accessible constitutes discrimination based on national origin.


LEP assistance services available for CCDP are: Google Translation (, telephone interpreter lines, and community volunteers.  

Compliance is Enforced by:
 Agency Activities: 
  • Title VI coordinator for CCDP
  • Compliance Review
  • Agency Activities such as Title VI trainings, education, and technical assistance 
  • Complaint procedures and policies for CCDP
Complaint procedures: 

Receiving and officiating any Title VI complaints alleged against CCDP can be made in writing by downloading the Complaint form here:

(or you may request a printed copy of the complaint form from the Title VI Coordinator.)

  • Every effort will be made to obtain early resolution of complaints at the lowest level possible.
  • The Title VI Coordinator will make every effort to pursue a resolution of the complaint.
  • An initial hearing with the complainant and the respondent will request information regarding specifically requested relief and settlement opportunities.
  • Investigation focuses on facts to determine possible non-compliance with applicable regulations
  • Findings of the Title VI Coordinator will be reported to the Steering Committee.
  • Acceptance of findings by the Steering Committee will be reported to the complainant within 45 days. The complainant will be informed of right to an appeal before the Steering Committee.
  • All findings will be reported in the Title VI annual survey, to the Office of Consumer Affairs (1-800-560-5767) and to Ken Horvath (615-253-4363).
  • Copies of all complaints will be retained for three years
210 South Hills DrElizabethton, TN 37643

Funding provided by grants from the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, United Way of East TN Highlands, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Drug Free Communities Program, National Recreation and Parks Association and others.  

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